Aviation ACE Camp

Aviation ACE Camp Program

Camp Cost
Camp Start Date
Camp End Date
June 17, 2024
June 28, 2024

Our Aviation camp is certified/endorsed by both the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the North Carolina Department of Transportation – Division of Aviation as an Aviation Career Education course (ACE). The ACE designation means that the course curriculum contains science and technology education blocks of instructions.

This Aviation camp consists of a unique two-week/70 hour day curriculum. The students are introduced to aviation history, flight aerodynamics for powered and unpowered flight (Bernoulli Principle and Newton’s Law of Motion).

The hands-on projects include the construction of foam airfoils with wind tunnel testing to test the aerodynamic efficiency of their design. Guest instructors with engineering and/or aviation backgrounds, teach selected blocks of instruction.

To enhance the learning experience, field trips to the Washington Warren Airport, Virginia Air and Space Museum (NASA), Wright Brothers Museum, Kinston Global Transpark, local military and civilian airports expose the students to professionals and careers in the aerospace industry.

Teaching methodologies will include lectures, remote control airplanes, hand-on projects, desktop flight training devices and a full motion Redbird flight simulator. The students will actually fly a real airplane with a certificated flight instructor as part of the course.

Anticipated class size will be 12-15 students with a 4:1 or 5:1 student to teacher ratio (depending on the number of students in the class) for safety and hands-on instruction.

A per student fee of $650 will be charged for the aviation camp; however, scholarships will be available to qualified students so that the camp will be free.

Breakfast snacks and lunch will be included every day. Swimming lessons will be included on the days that the students are not taking a field trip.

Scholarship are available – (click the link to the right) Parental Info

Our Summer Camp Programs

  • Will run from 9:30 am to 4:00 pm each day with firm drop-off and pick-up times.
  • Have breakfast, snacks, and lunch that are included in the program everyday.
  • Are limited to 24 students for a better learning experience because of the hands-on projects that each camp includes.
  • Have a mix of hands-on building projects and field trips to keep the students interested.
  • Offers a scholarship program that allows parents/legal guardians who are financially challenged to apply for scholarships to allow their students to attend the camp at no cost.

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FAQs for Aviation ACE Camp

The aviation camp includes both breakfast and lunch, dynamic instruction, field trips, and both simulation and real flight time.

The camp covers powered and unpowered flight aerodynamics, airplane flight controls, reading flight instruments, and airport design. Students also engage in practical projects such as building hot air balloons and studying wing airfoils.


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